Live web data on you Microsoft Excel & it’s not Power Query & this is Free & lightning fast :)

Imagine having the power to bring in your data tables with just a blink of an eye. And the icing on the cake? You can effortlessly fetch real-time stock or option data from the web, process it to your heart’s content, all without the need for repetitive manual processing—it’s automatic!

I was once in your shoes, curious about the stock market with zero knowledge on how to extract web data into my spreadsheets. The learning curve seemed steep, but my curiosity and the allure of real-time data made the journey exciting.

At first, I relied on Power Query, but it occasionally struggled with larger datasets, making me seek a faster and more efficient solution. That’s when I stumbled upon a method that transformed my Excel experience. Today, I’m thrilled to share this method with you, so you can replicate my journey and create your own data-driven Excel dashboard.

Don’t worry if you are Struggling to afford the latest version of Microsoft Excel? Well, I’ve found a solution! You can now get a genuine copy at an incredibly low cost From here , Believe they are simple/ authentic and almost free &  you don’t have to scroll through countless pages.Collapse

Lets Come back to the topic –The dashboard you see below started as a small dream but grew into a powerful tool that allows me to sense the market sentiment in real time. The best part? You can also make this for free—all you need is Microsoft Excel on your computer. Take a peek at what’s possible, and you’ll wonder why you haven’t tried it sooner. Dive in, and let’s unlock the magic of real-time data together!

Image 1 when the stock Mode is selected
Image 1 when the stock Mode is selected

 NiftySensex  Dashboard I had created 🙂

Image 2 where Index Mode is selected
Image 2 where Index Mode is selected

Before we delve into the code, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) and how to apply code within Excel. If you’re new to this, don’t worry—I’ll provide a brief tutorial shortly. This is my first blog, so your appreciation and feedback mean a lot. Let’s explore the exciting world of Excel macros together!”

For entering macro steps in Excel, here’s a concise version:

How to Enter a Macro in Excel

  1. Open Excel: Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer.
  2. Enable Developer Tab: If you don’t see the “Developer” tab in the Excel ribbon, enable it in Excel Options.
  3. Enter Macros: Enter it in Code window.
  4. Access Macro: To run your macro, go to the “Developer” tab, click “Macros,” select your macro, and click “Run.”

That’s it! You’ve entered and executed a macro in Excel.

“In the example below, I’ve created a Sheet1 and entered the URL for the India Stock list in cell A1. Now, it continuously fetches tables from the specified website. Copy and paste this code into your Excel. You can also manually enter the URL in the code, but it’s more convenient to have it in a cell. This way, you can easily update the URL as needed because requirements tend to change over time.”

—-Code Starts from Here ——

Option Explicit

Dim htm As Object

Dim Tr As Object

Dim Td As Object

Dim Tab1 As Object

Dim url As String

Dim Colstart As Long

Dim HTML As Variant

Dim i As Long

Dim j As Long

Dim n As Long

Dim RunTime

Private Sub FETCH()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

url = VBA.Trim(Sheets(“Sheet1”).Cells(1, 1)) ‘String

Set HTML = CreateObject(“htmlfile”) ‘Create HTMLFile Object

With CreateObject(“msxml2.xmlhttp”) ‘Get the WebPage Content

.Open “GET”, url, False


HTML.body.innerHTML = .responseText

End With

Colstart = 2

j = 2

i = Colstart

n = 0

‘Loop Through website tables

For Each Tab1 In HTML.getElementsByTagName(“table”)

With HTML.getElementsByTagName(“table”)(n)

For Each Tr In .Rows

For Each Td In Tr.Cells

Sheet8.Cells(j, i) = Td.innerText

i = i + 1

Next Td

i = Colstart

j = j + 1

Next Tr

End With

n = n + 1

i = Colstart

j = j + 1

Next Tab1

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

End Sub

—-Code Ends Here ——

-So, this was the simplest way to fetch live data lightning fast  from the web. But, hold on, the project isn’t over yet. There are many more beautiful things waiting for you to discover, and together we’ll continue learning so that you can create these beautiful dashboards for your own analysis.

Additionally, I’ve always wished that I could do the same for NYSE stocks. Well, I’ve already started working on that, and I’m excited to share my progress with many users who want to master advanced Excel. But before that don’t forget to have your copy of Microsoft Excel today , if its expensive then again i would like to recommend to download  From here ,and continue exploring the vast world of Microsoft Excel and the powerful products they’ve created. This way, people like us can unleash our creativity and accomplish amazing things.

Taking a break here , so don’t forget to show your appreciation because this is my first blog:) , and I’ll continue blogging as long as even one person finds it valuable. Furthermore, I’ll be sharing insights on how we can create Excel tools or even more advanced projects. It all hinges on your creativity and your willingness to learn and explore.

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